Take the Laudato Si' Pledge and Make a Difference

An invitation to personal action on behalf of the needs of Earth and Earth's people.

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Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM). Used with permission

We will live simply, in a way that
takes into account the fragility of
Mother Earth by using her
resources more sparingly and,
where possible, living with less.
Chapter Statement 2016)

Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) is undertaking a campaign to raise awareness of the Laudato Si’ message and to encourage the Catholic community to take action with the urgency required by the climate crisis.

The pledge has three aspects to it:

Pray for and with creation;
• Live more simply;
• Advocate 
to protect our common home.

Sisters of Mercy International Association of which Parramatta Congregation is a member, is a signer of the pledge. Our Chapter Statement commits us to action on behalf of the needs of Earth and Earth's people.

We invite you to consider signing on and taking action to protect our common home. Further information about the pledge can be found on the Live Laudato Si' website

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