Celebration of Easter

"Easter gives us the meaning, strength and power to transform the world in which we live." Bishop Vincent.

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"At this pivotal time in the history of our Congregation we, Sisters of Mercy Parramatta Congregation, feel called to be more deeply attuned to the rhythm of the Paschal Mystery in all its dimensions." (Chapter Statement)

"...Easter is not merely about our own salvation and the afterlife bliss. Easter is God conquering the forces of evil and darkness. Easter is God reconciling the estranged creation. We are called to partner with God in bringing the victory of the cosmic Christ to fulfilment. Easter, therefore, obliges us to work for both personal and cosmic transformation.  

“Cosmic transformation” means working for the community of life of which we are a part. It means working for the whole of creation that God created, sustains and destines for flourishing. 

It means that we become a place where the poor and the forgotten can be brought into a new unity; a Church that advocates life at all costs and promotes peaceful life in a war-torn and violent world; a Church that models justice in an age of greed, consumerism and power; a Church centred on the risen Christ, empowering a consciousness of the whole..."

Read Bishop Vincent's complete message here

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